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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 938, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-250 (14 December 2001)
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Pages 1-2

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Monitoring of pesticides in drinking and related waters in NE Spain with a multiresidue SPE-GC–MS method including an estimation of the uncertainty of the analytical results ARTICLE
Pages 3-13
Jordi Quintana, Isabel Martí and Francesc Ventura
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Determination of the herbicide amitrole in water with pre-column derivatization, liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 15-22
I. Bobeldijk, K. Broess, P. Speksnijder and T. van Leerdam
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Microwave assisted solvent extraction and coupled-column reversed-phase liquid chromatography with UV detection: Use of an analytical restricted-access-medium column for the efficient multi-residue analysis of acidic pesticides in soils ARTICLE
Pages 23-33
Elbert A. Hogendoorn, Robert Huls, Ellen Dijkman and Ronald Hoogerbrugge
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Molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction sorbent for the clean-up of chlorinated phenoxyacids from aqueous samples ARTICLE
Pages 35-44
Claudio Baggiani, Cristina Giovannoli, Laura Anfossi and Cinzia Tozzi
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Determination of haloacetic acids in aqueous environments by solid-phase extraction followed by ion-pair liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection ARTICLE
Pages 45-55
Robert Loos and Damià Barceló
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Quantitative analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants ARTICLE
Pages 57-65
Sandra Pérez, Miriam Guillamón and Damià Barceló
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Recalcitrance of poly(vinylpyrrolidone): evidence through matrix-assisted laser desorption–ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 67-77
S. Trimpin, P. Eichhorn, H. J. Räder, K. Müllen and T. P. Knepper
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Analysis of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates in environmental samples by mixed-mode high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 79-91
P. Lee Ferguson, Charles R. Iden and Bruce J. Brownawell
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Solid-phase microextraction of phthalates from water ARTICLE
Pages 93-101
K. Luks-Betlej, P. Popp, B. Janoszka and H. Paschke
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Determination of traces of five antifouling agents in water by gas chromatography with positive/negative chemical ionisation and tandem mass spectrometric detection ARTICLE
Pages 103-111
María Dolores Hernando, Luis Piedra, Ángel Belmonte, Ana Agüera and Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba
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Solid-phase microextraction versus single-drop microextraction for the analysis of nitroaromatic explosives in water samples ARTICLE
Pages 113-120
Elefteria Psillakis and Nicolas Kalogerakis
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Synthesis and evaluation of molecularly imprinted polymers for extracting hydrolysis products of organophosphate flame retardants ARTICLE
Pages 121-130
K. Möller, U. Nilsson and C. Crescenzi
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Preparation of sterol-imprinted polymers with the use of 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphate ARTICLE
Pages 131-135
Akimitsu Kugimiya, Yasuyuki Kuwada and Toshifumi Takeuchi
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Simultaneous determination of small delta, Greek-aminolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen, levulinic acid and glycine in culture broth by capillary electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 137-143
Jin-Nam Kim, Jong-Sun Yun and Hwa-Won Ryu
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Use of solid-phase extraction in various of its modalities for sample preparation in the determination of estrogens and progestogens in sediment and water ARTICLE
Pages 145-153
Maria J. López de Alda and Damià Barceló
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Clean-up procedures for the analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines (aminoazaarenes) from heat-treated meat samples ARTICLE
Pages 155-165
B. Janoszka, U. BImageaszczyk, L. Warzecha, M. Strózyk, A. Damasiewicz-Bodzek and D. Bodzek
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Determination of domoic acid in shellfish by liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization and multiple tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 167-174
A. Furey, M. Lehane, M. Gillman, P. Fernandez-Puente and K. J. James
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Determination of neutral pharmaceuticals in wastewater and rivers by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 175-185
Thomas Ternes, Matthias Bonerz and Tanja Schmidt
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Determination of drugs in surface water and wastewater samples by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry: methods and preliminary results including toxicity studies with Vibrio fischeri ARTICLE
Pages 187-197
Marinel·la Farré, Imma Ferrer, Antoni Ginebreda, Mercè Figueras, Lourdes Olivella, Lluis Tirapu, Manel Vilanova and Damià Barceló
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Pharmaceuticals in groundwaters: Analytical methods and results of a monitoring program in Baden-Württemberg, Germany ARTICLE
Pages 199-210
Frank Sacher, Frank Thomas Lange, Heinz-Jürgen Brauch and Iris Blankenhorn
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Sample treatment in chromatography-based speciation of organometallic pollutants REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 211-224
J. L. Gómez-Ariza, E. Morales, I. Giráldez, D. Sánchez-Rodas and A. Velasco
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Derivatization of organometal(loid) species by sodium borohydride: Problems and solutions ARTICLE
Pages 225-236
U. M. Grüter, M. Hitzke, J. Kresimon and A. V. Hirner
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Removal of metal ions from aqueous solution by adsorption on the natural adsorbent CACMM2 ARTICLE
Pages 237-242
G. Carrillo-Morales, M. M. Dávila-Jiménez, M. P. Elizalde-González and A. A. Peláez-Cid
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Author Index Vol. 938 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 243-244

PDF (37 K)
Subject Index Vol. 938 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 245-250

PDF (48 K)

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